WP1 (Comparative analysis of education offer in Pain Medicine)
The preparation WP refers to a comparative analysis of study programs and LLL courses of pain medicine in the PCs and PgCs in order to determine the existing diferences in methodolocial approach and in content of study program. In this sense, this analysis is important for Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina universisties aimed to introduce a new study program regarding pain medicine. It is necessary to investigate the offer of existing course or events regarding pain medicine in Western Balkan countries. Moreover, analysis of the labour market needs of HCWs relevant for pain medicine because it is necessary to investigate whether health care system in PCs have needs for doctors educated for pain medicine. Also, in this package it is planned to purchased and installed equipment for delivering of courses and the creation of REGION PAIN WB platform.
WP2 (Development of joint curricula for PM study program)
The first step of HEPMP development (WP2) is training of existing teaching staff in PgCs countries aimed to introducing academic staff from partner countries with european standards of education trough updated and modenized study program of pain medicine. The second work package would include the development of learning material for study program of PM which involve preparation of lectures, creation of pain medicine study program content and preparation of textbook of Pain medicine for students and HCWs. Subsequently in this WP is preparation and submission for accrediation of study program of PM in PCs. After national call and selection of students, it will be perform implementation of new study program.
WP3 (Development of LLL courses and interventional pain medicine courses)
The third work package includes the development of LLL courses and highly specialized courses for interventional pain management. The fisrt step of WP3 is development of learning materials for LLL courses for HCWs who work in primary health care centers and who need an basic education regarding pain medicine considering that undergraduate studies does not include modules of PM. Also, a separate part of this activity is developing material for interventional pain management for specialist who already have certain level of PM kowledge and have interest to be trained for interventional therapy of pain. Than all teaching material it would be submitted for accrediation of courses. After accrediation and selection of trainees, next step is delivering of LLL courses and interventional courses in each PCs.
WP4 (establishment of Academic network)
The fourth package includes establishment of regional academic network as a proffesional body that would deal with the exchange of knowledge regarding PM. An network dealing with PM for now does not exist in the Western Balkans region and the next step is establishment of PAINWB Platform as a main tool of academic network which willwhich will unite professionals to collaborate and share the acquired knowledge. Continius selection of case studies via PAINWB network will led to development of reccomentadtions for systematic standards and procedures in the area of PM that will be incorporated.
WP5 (Project dissemination )
The WP5 include dissemination of HEPMP content predominantly trough creation and promotion of HEPMP website and different conference. It is necesary to develop material regarding HEPMP for institutional websites, newsletter, promotional material and media. After development, the crucial step in WP5 is dissemination via institutional websites such as Medical Chamber website, website of National Medical Society, than newsletter, promotional material and media. Also one important part of project result dissemination is project publications with results which represent permanent sources of education.
WP6 (Quality control)
The tasks of WP6 are establishment of quality control board, development of control plan for quality assurance in teaching process, regular Quality board meetings, evaluation of student and participant satissfaction and monitoring visits by external evaluators.
WP7 (Management)
Management Board coordinate activities of HEPMP and to ensure that the targets are achieved.