HEPMP Final Meeting

The HEPMP project cloasing meeting was organised on 24 and 25 September 2021 at the University of Belgrade Medical Faculty. The meeting marked the end of the project by gathering the project consortium members and dear guests and summarizing project activities and achievements.

The Agenda of the meeting can be downloaded here.

Invitation letter and the address from the project coordinator Professor Predrag Stevanović can be downloaded here.

Invitation letter – download 

The recording of the final meeting is available here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6KoZkiB4AS0





Respected colleagues,
Dear friends,

After four years of working on the tasks we set ourselves in HEPMP, we have reached the end. Although the last two years have been a great challenge due to the pandemic that has burdened the whole world, especially colleagues, anesthesiologists and other doctors who participated in its care, we still managed to fulfill the tasks we set ourselves through HEPMP, four years ago. As practice and the project code dictate, we need to meet one more time, as part of the project activities. We need to organize the final meeting of the project consortium, as well as the final meeting of the project board. A meeting will be held the ceremonial hall of the Medical Faculty of the University of Belgrade, st. Dr Subotića no. 8.

The unpredictability of events related to the Covid-19 pandemic certainly conditions all potential activities. If there is a deterioration and impossibility of physically holding the meeting and the arrival of delegations in Belgrade, an online meeting will be held as an alternative.
I sincerely hope that you will find time to increase this gathering with your presence.

Project coordinator,
Prof. Predrag Stevanović


Poštovane kolege,
Dragi prijatelji,
Posle četiri godine rada na zadacima koje smo sebi postavili u projektu HEPMP, stigli smo do kraja. Iako su poslednje dve godine bile veliki izazov usled pandemije koja je opteretila ceo svet, a posebno kolege, anesteziologe i druge lekare koji su učestvovali u njenom zbrinjavanju, ipak smo uspeli da ispunimo zadatke koje smo sebi kroz HEPMP postavili pre četiri godine.
Kao što to običaj i projektni kodeks nalaže, potrebno je da se sastanemo još jednom u okviru projektnih aktivnosti. Treba da organizujemo završni sastanak projektnog konzorcijuma, kao i završni sastanak borda projekta.
Sastanak će se održati u svečanoj sali Medicinskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu, ul. Dr Subotića br. 8

Nepredvidivost događaja vezanih za Covid-19 pandemiju svakako uslovljava sve potencijalne aktivnosti. Ukoliko dodje do pogoršanja i nemogućnosti fizičkog održavanja skupa i dolaska delegacija u Beograd, kao alternativa će se održati online sastanak.
Iskreno se nadam da ćete naći vremena da svojim prisustvom uveličate ovaj skup.

Projektni koordinator,
Prof Predrag Stevanović

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