Acute Postoperative Pain Service LLL Course

Acute Postoperative Pain Service LLL Curse

The University of Ljubljana Course in Tuzla was organised on 29th of November 2019 with 57 participants at the University of Tuzla.

The main goal of organizing and hosting this course was to provide experts from the University Clinical Center of Ljubljana to share their experience on the organization of Acute pain service. Since the University Clinical Center Tuzla does not have this service, the maintenance of this course has enabled the organization to be considered in order to improve the treatment of acute postoperative pain and thus prevent complications due to possible inadequate analgesia. After the development of the training material, selection of trainees, and accreditation of the course by The Chamber of Doctors in Tuzla Canton, the course was held for the purpose to give detailed information regarding acute postoperative pain management considering that there is no organized Acute pain service in University Clinical Center Tuzla.

Objectives of the course:
– Teach participants to explain the difference between acute and chronic pain
– Teach participants to explain the difference between nociceptive and neuropathic pain
– Point out the importance of pain as the fifth vital sign and the pain intensity estimation
– Pain intensity estimation methods
– Learn about the importance of acute pain treatment
– Learn how to treat acute postoperative pain by different analgesic methods
– Learnhow to monitor patient with „invasive“ analgesia


Evaluacioni upitnik
Event report


O hepmp projektu – preuzmite
Analgetske smjese za postoperativnu analgeziju – preuzmite
Etika i lečenje akutnog bola – preuzmite
I pacienta sa analgezijom putem katetera u rani treba monitorirati u postoperativnom periodu – preuzmite
Kako spriječiti komplikacije kod hirurškog bolesnika koji dobiva opioidnu analgeziju – preuzmite
Kako ocenjujemo akutni bol – preuzmite
Nadzor pacienata sa epiduralnom analgezijom – preuzmite
Nadzor pacijenata sa analgezijom po perifernom nervnom kateteru – preuzmite
Organizacija sluzbe za lečenje akutnog bola i implementacija u svakodnevnu klinicku praksu – preuzmite
Efikasno uklanjanje bola je ključ uspešnog hirurškog ishoda – preuzmite


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