Lectures and seminars were designed within 9 semesters of undergraduate studies of students of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade, as part of the curriculum of the Desk of Surgery and Anesthesiology. The aim of the organization of this lectures was to raise awareness of the problem of pain with the presentation of relevant scientific facts about pain.
Therefore, the goals of organizing and maintaining this lectures could be presented in the following way:
- Raising the awareness of the medical students about the problem of pain,
- Getting acquainted with the epidemiology of pain, through it with the significance of the problem and the need to learn about it at the Faculty of Medicine in undergraduate education,
- Getting acquainted with the anatomical and pathophysiological basics of pain with an explanation of the way of seeing pain in medicine today,
- Getting to know how to review patient with pain,
- Presentation of basic therapeutic modalities, with a focus on opioid analgesic therapy in malignant and non-malignant pain,
- Explain the concepts of opiofobia and addiction, as well as to get to know the potential fears of doctors and patients,
- Highlighting the significance of the HEPMP project with all its goals and activities,
- The dissemination of information about HEPMP, its objectives and activities,
- Through the dissemination of HEPMP information, the call to all students to participate in HEPMP activities through participation in the project forum.
During two days in the University Clinical Center “Dr Dragiša Mišović- Dedinje”, the teaching bases of the Medical Faculty of the University of Belgrade, 4 lecturers and 1 seminar were held at December 4th and 5th, 2019, from 8.00 to 13.00. Lectures and seminars were held for students of the 9th semester of the Medical Faculty in Belgrade. A total of 26 students attended the classes.
Attendance list (1)
Attendance list (2)
Prof. Dr Vladimir Djukić, dr sc med – Patofiziološki mehanizmi i teorije bola – download
Prof Dr Vladimir Djukić, dr sc med – PROCENA BOLA – download
Prof Dr Vladimir Djukić, dr sc med – LEČENJE POSTOPERATIVNOG BOLA – download
Prof. Dr Radoslav Perunović – LEČENJE HRONIČNOG BOLA – download
Prof. Dr Radoslav Perunović – BOL – download