
Activities and Outputs

Work package 1Work package 2Work package 3Work package 4Work package 5Work package 6Work package 7

WP1 Comparative analysis of education offer in Pain Medicine

The preparation WP refers to a comparative analysis of study programs and LLL courses of pain medicine in the PCs and PgCs in order to determine the existing diferences in methodolocial approach and in content of study program. In this sense, this analysis is important for Montenegro and Bosnia and Herzegovina universisties aimed to introduce a new study program regarding pain medicine. It is necessary to investigate the offer of existing course or events regarding pain medicine in Western Balkan countries. Moreover, analysis of the labour market needs of HCWs relevant for pain medicine because it is necessary to investigate whether health care system in PCs have needs for doctors educated for pain medicine. Also, in this package it is planned to purchased and installed equipment for delivering of courses and the creation of REGION PAIN WB platform.

1.1. Analysis of Pain medicine study program and LLL courses in PCs

Podgorica analysis of education offer
Serbia analysis of education offer
Tuzla analysis of education offer
Tuzla analysis of education offer – updated
Banja Luka analysis of education offer
Kragujevac analysis of education offer

1.2. Analysis of Pain medicine study program and LLL courses in PgCs

Slovenia analysis of education offer
Rijeka analysis of education offer
Italy analysis of education offer

1.3. Comparative analysis of education offer of pain medicine in the PCs and PgCs

Comparative analysis on education offer in painmedicine in Croatia and partner countries
Serbia analysis of education offer
Comparative analysis on education offer in pain medicine in Italy and partner countries


1.4. Analysis of labour market needs relevant for HCW in PCs

Labour Market Needs Montenegro
Labour Market Needs Serbia
Labour Market Needs BiH
Labour Market Needs BiH – updated

1.5. Purchase and installation of equipment

The tendering procedure has been published on the University of Belgrade website. Report on the equipment purchase in the first half of the project implementation period is available here.

WP2 Development of joint curricula for PM study program

The first step of HEPMP development (WP2) is training of existing teaching staff in PgCs countries aimed to introducing academic staff from partner countries with european standards of education trough updated and modenized study program of pain medicine. The second work package would include the development of learning material for study program of PM which involve preparation of lectures, creation of pain medicine study program content and preparation of textbook of Pain medicine for students and HCWs. Subsequently in this WP is preparation and submission for accrediation of study program of PM in PCs. After national call and selection of students, it will be perform implementation of new study program.

2.1. Training of existing teaching stafffrom PCs at PgCs

Three project meetings have been organised to date:

  1. The first training of teaching staff was held between 12 March and 16 March 2018 at the University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Medicine.
    Download project meeting Ljubljana documents
  2. The second training of teaching staff was held from 26 May until 29 May 2018 at the University of Rijeka, Faculty of Medicine.
  3. The training of teaching staff of PCs was held in Florence from 13 September until 17 September 2018 at the University of Florence at the Department of Health Sciences.
    Project meeting Florence – documents for the board meeting
    Project meeting Florence Agenda 

2.2. Development of HEPMP content and teaching material

Pain therapy for students of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade

Predrag Stevanović, Dejan Nešić Nebojša Lađević Medicina Bola

G. Villa Effects of Psychological Interventions on Surgical Outcomes

2.3. Preparation and submission for accreditation of study program

University of Kragujevac 

Accredited study programme Pain Medicine modernised. The first lectures were organised in the winter semester 2019/2020.


  1. Accreditation decisions: download 1download 2download 3
  2. Report – download
  3. Curriculum – download 
  4. Attendance list of students – download
  5. Evaluation – download
  6. Presentations can be downloaded in the learning material section here.

University of Tuzla

  1. Pain medicine course University application – download
  2. Pain medicine course syllabus – download
  3. Pain medicine course decision – download

University of Banja Luka

  1. Agenda – download
  2. Molba – download
  3. Odluka – download
  4. Silabus – download
  5. Request & Response

UCHC Dr Dragiša Mišović 

Lectures for students – visit

Subspecialisation pain medicine  UBL

University of Montenegro

University of Belgrade

2.4. Enrolment of students at study program

5th year students enrolled at the School of Medicine University of Belgrade was the part of pilot implementation of the modernised study programme as a quality measure for upcoming implementation of study programmes at other HEIs.

Attendance list
Self-evaluation list of training for STUDENT on 5th year BU
Study program implemented REPORT

The University of Kragujevac developed curriculum for the pain medicine course for national accreditation lasting 15th weeks and for 70 students. The curriculum has national accreditation. Other curricula have gone through changes to incorporate the pain medicine topics

The University of Montenegro accredited the Pain medicine course in 2019/2020 when the first students attended.

Enrollment of students, University of  Banja Luka

Enrollment of students, University of  Montenegro

2.5. Implementation of study programs

Output on the project level : Curriculum compared (in Serbian) download

University of Belgrade

  • Pain therapy for students of the Faculty of Medicine download
  • Simulation centre – visit
  • ERAS protokol u minimalno invazivnoj hirurgiji – download
  • Perioperativna analgezija u laparaskopskoj hirurgiji – Download link 1 & download link 2
  • Perkutana epiduralna neuroplastika sa FORA-B kateterom – download
  • Farmakokinetika i farmakodinamija anestetika: TCI I deo – download
  • Farmakokinetika i farmakodinamija anestetika: TCI II deo – download
  • Farmakokinetika i farmakodinamija anestetika: TCI III deo – download
  • Telemedicina pomoću Hololensa u službi terapije bola – download.
  • Praktične procedure u kliničkoj medicini – download

University of Kragujevac

  • Acute pain and multimodal analgesia download

At the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the University of Kragujevac, the Department of Pain Medicine has been established for specialist studies and is for the first time for the 2020/2021 school year. a competition has been announced for the enrollment of students in this subspecialization.

  • Syllabus of Pain Medicine, adopted by the Council of Specialist Studies – download
  • Competition announced for the enrollment of students in the narrower specialization of Pain Medicine, for the school year 2020/2021.  – download

Within the project, in order to improve the education of students in integrated academic studies of medicine on pain medicine, University of Kragujevac, modernised the subject Surgery 2 and dedicated the first week of teaching to Chronic Pain. 92 students attended the classes and the change in the syllabus remains permanent.

  • Silabus – download
  • Report – download
  • Attendance list- download
  • Teaching material 1 Mechanisms of occurrence and treatment of neuropathic pain – download
  • Teaching material 2 Cancer Pain – download

The University of Montenegro accredited the Pain medicine course in 2019/2020 when the first students attended.

UCHC Dr. Dragisa Misovic

Pain medicine for students at UCHC “Dr Dragisa Misovic Dedinje visit

Ketamine in the pain management, – visit

WP3 Development of LLL courses and interventional pain medicine courses

The third work package includes the development of LLL courses and highly specialized courses for interventional pain management. The first step of WP3 is development of learning materials for LLL courses for HCWs who work in primary health care centers and who need an basic education regarding pain medicine considering that undergraduate studies does not include modules of PM. Also, a separate part of this activity is developing material for interventional pain management for specialist who already have certain level of PM knowledge and have interest to be trained for interventional therapy of pain. Than all teaching material it would be submitted for accreditation of courses. After accreditation and selection of trainees, next step is delivering of LLL courses and interventional courses in each PCs.

3.1. Development of learning material for HCW in PCs

Materials for courses for health care workers for Primary health care centres in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro have been developed and are available on the project website. Materials four main topics

  1. Acute and chronic pain: physiological basics, assessment and treatment
  2. Cancer pain
  3. Non-malignant pain
  4. Neuropathic pain.

Course material is published here.

3.2. National call and selection of trainees

An open call for trainees was published thus so far for a course organized in Belgrade. Participants were the primary health care doctors and nurses as well as other health care professionals. The calls were published on the project website and on the Health Council website.

The trainers were selected from the trainer pool of experts who underwent the training within WP1.

3.3. Accreditation of LLL courses inPCs

The course for doctors and health workers was accredited by the Regional Medical Chamber decision of the Health Council no. 153-02-
449 / 2019-01, filing number. A-1-700 / 19 for doctors and other health workers.

The Faculty of Medicine the University of Kragujevac have accredited course titled Fundamentals of pathophysiology, evaluation and treatment of acute pain by the Regional Medical Chamber decision of the Health Council no. 153-02- 449 / 2019-01, document number A-1-281 / 19

Accreditation of LLL courses in PCs

Accreditation of the courses held by the UCHC Dr. Dragisa Misovic

Akreditacija “Karcinomski bol”

Akreditacija “Hronični bol, značaj i lečenje

Akreditacija “Servis za akutni bol”.

Lečenje akutnog postoperativnog bola

Accreditation of the courses held by the University of Kragujevac

Course 1 Basics of pathophysiology, assessment and therapy of acute pain
Course 2 Pain therapy
Course 3 Chronic non-cancerous pain
Course 4 Cancer pain

3.4. Delivering of LLL courses of pain medicine in primary health care centres of PCs

All LLL courses are published in the LLL courses section of the website,

3.5. Delivering of interventional pain training in PCs

University of Rijeka course on Interventional Procedures in Pain Therapy

WP4 Establishment of Academic network

The fourth package includes establishment of the regional academic network as a professional body that would deal with the exchange of knowledge regarding PM. A network dealing with PM, for now, does not exist in the Western Balkans region and the next step is establishment of PAINWB Platform as the main tool of academic network which will unite professionals to collaborate and share the acquired knowledge. The continuous selection of case studies via PAINWB network will lead to development of recommendations for systematic standards and procedures in the area of PM that will be incorporated.

4.1. Establishment of regional academic network

APMN – Academic Pain Management Network

4.2. Establishment of PAINWB platform


4.3. Continuous selection of case studies for students and HCW education

The following case studies have been developed by the project partners:

Uticaj primene i redosleda davanja ketamina i magnezijum-sulfata na smanjenje postoperativnog bola kod pacijenata podvrgnutih laparoskopskoj holecistektomiji – download 
The comparison of the effects of ketamine and etomidate on cardiodynamics, biochemical and oxidative stress parameters in Wistar male rats – download
Preoperativna priprema pacijenata sa cirozom – download
ERAS Protokol u laparoskopskoj hirurgiji kolona – download

4.4. Analysis of systematic standards and procedures in the area of PM


Analysis is available here: – download

WP5 Project dissemination

The WP5 include dissemination of HEPMP content predominantly through creation and promotion of HEPMP website and different conference. It is necessary to develop material regarding HEPMP for institutional websites, newsletter, promotional material and media. After development, the crucial step in WP5 is dissemination via institutional websites such as Medical Chamber website, website of National Medical Society, then newsletter, promotional material and media. Also, one important part of project result dissemination is project publications with results which represent permanent sources of education.

5.1. Preparing project dissemination strategy

5.2. Creation of Web site of HEPMP

The official website of HEPMP project has been created in October 2017.

5.3. Promotion of HEPMP program Events

To date three types of the HEPMP project events have been organised: internal project meetings, external training events, and dissemination events. All events of the HEPMP project have been published on the HEPMP website.

Internal project events can be seen here.

External training events can be seen here.

Dissemination events can be seen here.

5.4. Developing institutional websites, newsletter, promotional material and media

5.4 HEPMP NewsLetter Template

5.5. Dissemination of institutional websites, newsletter, promotionalmaterial and media

All partner HEIs published an information about the project on their institutional websites. The project promotional material has been distributed at all project internal and external events.

Detailed presentation of HEPMP dissemination events is in section Dissemination.

5.6. Signing cooperation between HEIs and relevant stakeholders


WP6 Quality control

The tasks of WP6 are the establishment of the quality control board, development of control plan for quality assurance in the teaching process, regular Quality board meetings, evaluation of student and participant satisfaction and monitoring visits by external evaluators.

6.1. Establishment of quality control board

The quality control board have been elected by the project management board during the kick-off meeting. The following members have been elected: Jelena Santric, Administrative Director of the Faculty of Medicine, the University of Belgrade and Doctor of Legal Sciences; Prof. Dr Vesna Plesinac Karapandzic from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade; and Prof. Dr Dragica Pavlovic Babic from the Faculty of the Psychology University of Belgrade. Members have been selected based on their experience and expertise to monitor and evaluate the project activities and to report to the management board.

Constituent meeting of the Quality Board of the HEPMP Project

6.2. Development of control plan for quality assurance in the teaching process

The Quality Assurance manual aims at defining quality standards of the HEPMP project (the quality of the project implementation, outputs and management), internal and external quality control measures.

6.3. Regular Quality board meetings

Five quality board meetings have been held. The first meeting was organised at the kick-off meeting, while the other four were organised via Skype. The product of these meetings is developed Quality Assurance Manual.

The board published the final Quality Board Report that is available here.

6.4. Evaluation of student and participant satisfaction

The quality matrix was developed within the Quality Plan. Document templates are available here.

Evaluation of each event is available in the section Events.

6.5. Monitoring visits by external evaluators

The Expert’s report was concluded in August 2019 and can be downloaded here. Expert’s presentation during the project management meeting is available here.

WP7 Management

Management Board coordinate activities of HEPMP and to ensure that the targets are achieved.

7.1. Establishment of the management board

The management board of the HEPMP project was established during the kick-off meeting. It consists of 9 members representing each project partner. The management Board is tasked to coordinate activities of the HEPMP and to ensure that the targets are achieved.
The project management board is chaired by the project coordinator. Decisions are made by all members in a democratic manner.

Constituent meeting of the Management Board of the HEPMP Project

7.2. Creation of project management guide

The project management guide has been created and published on the project website. It describes:

  1. The project management structure
  2. Communication channels
  3. Conflict resolution mechanisms
  4. Publicity obligations
  5. Management of the HEPMP activities
  6. Contractual management of the HEPMP project
  7. HEPMP project reporting (types and timing)
  8. Financial guidelines including funding rules and reporting obligations.

HEPMP Workplan – download

HEPMP Workplan revised – download

7.3. Kick-off meeting

The first kick-off meeting of the project Strengthening Capacities for Higher Education of Pain Medicine in Western Balkan Countries (HEPMP) was organised in Belgrade on 8-9 December 2017 at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Belgrade.

The meeting was devoted to (1) presenting the project partners (2) elaborating upcoming project activities (3) the establishment of the management board (4) the establishment of the quality assurance board.

7.4. Regular management board meetings

To date four meetings have been organised:

  1. First PMB meeting (at the time of Kick-off meeting) 1-2 December 2017 UB
  2. Second PMB meeting 15-16 March 2018 UL
  3. Third PMB meeting 28 May 2018 UR
  4. Fourth PMB meeting September 2018 UF
  5. Fifth PMB meeting September 2019 UB
  6. Sixt PMB meeting March 2021
  7. Seventh PMM meeting September 2021

The board members elaborate on the project implementation and made important decisions regarding the project activities.

Meetings were organised on the margins of the project meetings at the University of Rijeka, the University of Ljubljana and the University of Florence.

7.5. Making regular reports and final report

The regular Progress report was submitted to the EACEA on 15th of April 2019. The EACEA feedback on the Progress report was received in August 2019.

The HEPMP project consortium reply to the EACEA feedback was produced in a timely manner.